About Us

Hollyblocks was founded by Andrea Maufe. The idea for the brand came to fruition during the sunny summer of 2022. A love of colour, India, England and flowers influenced and inspired all of the designs.

"I find prints and colour in clothes particularly mood boosting and wanted to create clothes that reflected this. Originally a city girl from London I now live on a farm in north Norfolk with my two little girls and husband Max.
Working on and maintaining a plum orchard of around 3,000 trees and all of the wildlife that that entails, has been a goal of our family’s since taking it over. We feel lucky to live in a community that supports sustainability and being close to nature and in the middle of the countryside is a constant reminder to tread lightly on the earth. The farm is now made up of 25% wildflowers which of course has inspired the creative process with bold and brightly coloured prints. All of the flower prints are unique drawings from the UK that India have translated onto blocks. 
Block prints have always been bright in India, often using natural dyes such as saffron and hibiscus to make colours really stand out. But here in England we too are surrounded by colour and our local flowers should be celebrated. 
The natural world is not just reflected in the botanical prints but also in the soft organic cotton that we use and the natural and non toxic dyes along with the handmade quality to the clothes.
The carbon footprint is also minimized by creating limited edition small quantities and supporting local artisans in India in continuing their ancient craft as opposed to factories and machine generated prints. All of the prints that you see have been hand carved onto wooden blocks to then be painted and stamped by hand onto clothes. The clothes are then dried outside in the sun. 
There are hollyhock flowers blooming all throughout the summer in Norfolk and they’re a great source of happiness to everyone. I’ve always been drawn to them for their vivid colours and floaty petals. 
Hollyblocks aims to be the opposite of fast fashion. And hopefully the clothes that you choose from us will always have a place in your wardrobe." 
Andrea Maufe, Founder of Hollyblocks.